January Digest - Welcoming in the New Year

Welcoming in the New Year, gently...
January to me is all about taking things easy and not rushing into the new year and new resolutions too quickly. Its dark and pretty bleak so early nights and reading by the fire is a treat. But its also my birthday so I love to celebrate with close girlfriends. Usually a breakfast or a long lunch at home. I'm currently planning this year's celebration with food again from my favourite chef, Kate The Cook. So keep you eyes peeled on insta for what crops up on the menu. And of course I love creating beautiful table settings and using my ceramics for the celebration. Its the perfect excuse
I often turn to an early spring clean in January. Nothing so rigorous as in March but a gentle sort through my cupboards and a re-stacking of my shelves and larder. An attempt at creating order after the chaos of Christmas.
We use our plates daily at home, and they're stacked a little haphazardly on my open tiled shelves in my kitchen. All my pieces are made from porcelain which makes them incredibly durable. My kids reaching onto the shelves and loading them into the dishwasher hasn't led to any disasters, yet! My point is, my pieces may be beautiful but don't keep them just for good. Use them to bring joy to every day.
Each piece is fired three times, not only to set the bubble design but also to finish each piece with a hardy clear and glossy transparent glaze, making each item food safe but even more excitingly, as a working mum of three, dishwasher safe too
Top Tips
For Keeping Your Ceramics Pristine
My top tips on keeping your db ceramic plates, bowls and platters in tip top shape, is to simply keep using them. Hand wash them if you choose, but really they can go day in and day out in your dishwasher and the colour won't fade.
They have been designed to stack ergonomically, so especially with the bowls and platters, look for the curvature of the waves and slot them gently into one another for perfect stacking and space saving.
My bud vases and pitcher vase really do get used an enormous amount. The best way to really make sure they're clean with no flower water residue remaining is to fill them with hot water and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Leave to soak for an hour and then rinse. They will be sparkling new inside.

Meanwhile we've got lots of new and exciting things happening over the next year, from new colours and designs to expanding our scented candles. And quite a few of you will be excited to learn I've taken your request on to produce the hand painted linen table cloth I made for our Teal launch. So watch this space!

A new discovery for me has been the Swedish skincare brand, Mantle. I used their incredibly hydrating gel moisturiser in the Alps recently and love its non-comedogenic lightweight formula, enriched with hyaluronic acid, centella, peptides and chlorophyll, which gives the jelly its unusual green colour and a high dose of vitamins.

I'm a huge fan of American author Curtis Sittenfeld and her latest book, Romantic Comedy was a joy to read. If you haven't yet read American Wife, buy that too

I'm always obsessed with anything bandana and Pippa Holt Kaftanhave brought out beautiful bandana kaftans in pale pink, navy and red as well as some of their hand loomed belts. All hand made in Mexico by local artisan women.

I'll be keeping warm with Anya Hindmarch's lambswool hot water bottle. I'm forever smitten with her google eyes.

Moving more, building strength and spending a little time on me is always a good thing. I love wearing London based PRISM² when I work out, whether its for Yoga, Pilates or Spin classes. Their one size fits all 3D knitted technology is sculpting as well as comfortable, with so many different styles and cool colours, and even better they're currently on sale.